Are you addicted to “Being busy”?
Why is society addicted to the statement “I’m Busy”?
It can be attributed to a combination of cultural, psychological, and technological factors that create a cycle of constant activity and productivity.
Culturally – We often pair success, worthiness and status within a society with how busy we are. The phrase “time is money” is a great example of this mindset many of us have been taught or can resonate with.
Often, it’s a fear response and social validation that contributes to our automatic response when asked, “How are you”? with a “I'm busy”.
Psychologically – We often feel a sense of purpose when letting those around us know how busy we are. However, it can also be a way to avoid:
· Deeper conversation
· Uncomfortable feelings and emotions (Loneliness, anxiety or insecurity)
· Silence
Identity - Many often feel a sense of self-worth and accomplishment when they are busy with many things in their life. When we have silence and time to think this can often cause people to feel uneasy or overthink. Falling into states of worry and panic about areas of their life.
Breaking the cycle
Redefine success – Understand what equates to success in your eyes. Think about how your health, well-being, relationships and hobbies provide you with success and joy in your life.
Practice mindfulness – Explore how mindfulness practice, meditation and even yoga/Pilates could be integrated into your daily life to help you stay in the present.
Boundaries – Understand your personal boundaries and establish clear limits with people, work and social commitments that are in your best interest.
Rest and reset – Respect that allowing time for peace and quiet is just as important as being “busy and productive”. Start practising how you can set time aside daily to sit with the discomfort of silence and stillness. Often this allows you to be more productive and creative when you do start your daily commitments.
Try - I want you to check how often you use the rehearsed answer, “I’ve been busy for over a week. I am sure you will be shocked at how often the brain’s automatic pilot kicks in and resorts to using this as your default answer.
Key Takeaway
This is a powerful reminder to step off the treadmill of busyness and embrace balance, presence, and purpose in life. Let me know if you'd like help expanding on any of these points or tailoring them to specific audiences or contexts!